Through Jesus Christ our Redeemer who inspires hope, Firm Foundations of Hope transforms and empowers east-side Detroit residents by affording the dignity of work to the structurally unemployed, by doing home repairs for the poor, and by encouraging the abundant life to which Jesus Christ invites us.

One way we express what we do is by firm physical foundations, firm community and relational foundations, and firm spiritual foundations. 

Our core values include being Christ-centered, evangelism, service to and empowerment of the poor, the dignity of work, quality work, equipping disciples for mission, and especially loving others as Christ has loved us, and sharing and witnessing to His life-changing love and mercy.

We do home repair projects for low-income households on the east side of Detroit. If you're in need, please contact us for an application.

There are a number of different ways that you can participate, serve with, or support us. 

Please see our events page for upcoming events. Please contact us to inquire about serving with us, whether in a behind-the-scenes kind of way or in a more directly mission-related way. We would love to talk with you. 

If you would like to support the mission by funding, you can donate through the 'Support Our Mission' page, or by clicking below.
